Justin Jor­dan is an award-win­ning Direc­tor, Writer, Pro­duc­er and Graph­ic Artist for Film, TV, Brand Adver­tis­ing and New Media. His cre­ative sto­ry­telling skills have helped gar­ner Oscar and Emmy nom­i­na­tions, Addy awards, jury prizes at film fes­ti­vals, and cap­ti­vat­ed glob­al audi­ences.

Justin began his career in adver­tis­ing as an intern, and after a decade of hard work, earned his way to Sr. Art Direc­tor before tran­si­tion­ing to Film & TV full time. Justin has pro­duced nation­al TV, Print and dig­i­tal cam­paigns for AARP, Amtrak, Bermu­da Tourism, Coca-Cola, FedEx, Hill­shire Farm, Jack Daniel’s, KFC, Roche, Sub­aru, and the USDA. He’s also direct­ed Nation­al TV Spots for AARP, con­tributed to the Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed SELMA, the box office smash “All Eyes On Me,” Mar­vel’s GIFTED Sea­son 1, and amassed almost 20 film & TV cred­its. He is a proud alum­nus of DePauw Uni­ver­si­ty, and con­sid­ers his two love­ly chil­dren his great­est works of art.


Char­i­ty Jor­dan is a world-class actress, writer and pro­duc­er with a back­ground in dra­ma, and a knack for com­e­dy. She is a mas­ter sto­ry-teller with the abil­i­ty to cre­ate and pro­duce con­tent. Char­i­ty has stud­ied under Fred­die Hen­dricks, founder of leg­endary act­ing troupe Youth Ensem­ble of Atlanta, attend­ed Tri-Cities VPA Mag­net School, and cur­rent­ly co-owns Artist­Di­rec­tor Media with her hus­band, Justin Jor­dan. Char­i­ty has graced the stages of Hol­land, South Africa and Los Ange­les. Char­i­ty was won a Suzy award, been nom­i­nat­ed for “Best Actress” at the Bronze­Lens Film Fes­ti­val, won “Best Web-Series” at BHFF, and was cast in the Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed film SELMA, Con­stan­tine (NBC), Mom­my Uncen­sored (Aspire TV), and in Z… The Begin­ning of Every­thing (Ama­zon Prime). She is an advo­cate and edu­ca­tor that knows the pow­er of the arts. Char­i­ty looks for­ward to telling more sto­ries on the world’s biggest stages & screens.